Интегрированные сети ISDN





Abate, et al. AT&T's new approach to the synchronization of telecommunication networks. IEEE Communications Magazine (April 1989), 35-45.


Allan, D.W., J.H. Shoaf and D. Halford. Statistics of time and frequency data analysis. In: Blair, B.E. (Ed.). Time and Frequency Theory and Fundamentals. National Bureau of Standards Monograph 140, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1974, 151-204.


Allan, D.W., J.E. Gray and H.E. Machlan. The National Bureau of Standards atomic time scale: generation, stability, accuracy and accessibility. In: Blair, B.E. (Ed.). Time and Frequency Theory and Fundamentals. National Bureau of Standards Monograph 140, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1974, 205-231.


Bell Communications Research. Digital Synchronization Network Plan. Technical Advisory TA-NPL-000436, 1 November 1986.


Bertsekas, D., and R. Gallager. Data Networks. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987.


Blair, B.E. Time and frequency dissemination: an overview of principles and techniques. In: Blair, B.E. (Ed.). Time and Frequency Theory and Fundamentals. National Bureau of Standards Monograph 140, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1974, 233-314.


Braun, W.B. Short term frequency effects in networks of coupled oscillators. IEEE Trans. Communications COM-28, 8 (August 1980), 1269-1275


Cole, R., and C. Foxcroft. An experiment in clock synchronisation. The Computer Journal 31, 6 (1988), 496-502.


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Internet Protocol. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-791, USC Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Internet Control Message Protocol. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-792, USC Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.


Digital Time Service Functional Specification Version T.1.0.5. Digital Equipment Corporation, 1989


Dershowitz, N., and E.M. Reingold. Calendrical Calculations. Software Practice and Experience 20, 9 (September 1990), 899-928.


Frank, R.L. History of LORAN-C. Navigation 29, 1 (Spring 1982).


Gusella, R., and S. Zatti. TEMPO - A network time controller for a distributed Berkeley UNIX system. IEEE Distributed Processing Technical Committee Newsletter 6, NoSI-2 (June 1984), 7-15. Also in: Proc. Summer USENIX Conference (June 1984, Salt Lake City).


Gusella, R., and S. Zatti. The Berkeley UNIX 4.3BSD time synchronization protocol: protocol specification. Technical Report UCB/CSD 85/250, University of California, Berkeley, June 1985.


Gusella, R., and S. Zatti. An election algorithm for a distributed clock synchronization program. Technical Report UCB/CSD 86/275, University of California, Berkeley, December 1985.


Halpern, J.Y., B. Simons, R. Strong and D. Dolly. Fault-tolerant clock synchronization. Proc. Third Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (August 1984), 89-102.


Jordan, E.C. (Ed). Reference Data for Engineers, Seventh Edition. H.W. Sams & Co., New York, 1985.


Kopetz, H., and W. Ochsenreiter. Clock synchronization in distributed real-time systems. IEEE Trans. Computers C-36, 8 (August 1987), 933-939.


Lamport, L., Time, clocks and the ordering of events in a distributed system. Comm. ACM 21, 7 (July 1978), 558-565.


Lamport, L., and P.M. Melliar-Smith. Synchronizing clocks in the presence of faults. J. ACM 32, 1 (January 1985), 52-78.


Lindsay, W.C., and A.V. Kantak. Network synchronization of random signals. IEEE Trans. Communications COM-28, 8 (August 1980), 1260-1266.


Lundelius, J., and N.A. Lynch. A new fault-tolerant algorithm for clock synchronization. Proc. Third Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (August 1984), 75-88.


Marzullo, K., and S. Owicki. Maintaining the time in a distributed system. ACM Operating Systems Review 19, 3 (July 1985), 44-54.


Mills, D.L. Time Synchronization in DCNET Hosts. DARPA Internet Project Report IEN-173, COMSAT Laboratories, February 1981.


Mills, D.L. DCNET Internet Clock Service. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-778, COMSAT Laboratories, April 1981.


Mills, D.L. Internet Delay Experiments. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-889, M/A-COM Linkabit, December 1983.


Mills, D.L. DCN local-network protocols. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-891, M/A-COM Linkabit, December 1983.


Mills, D.L. Algorithms for synchronizing network clocks. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-956, M/A-COM Linkabit, September 1985.


Mills, D.L. Experiments in network clock synchronization. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-957, M/A-COM Linkabit, September 1985.


Mills, D.L. Network Time Protocol (NTP). DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-958, M/A-COM Linkabit, September 1985.


Mills, D.L. Network Time Protocol (version 1) - specification and implementation. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-1059, University of Delaware, July 1988.


Mills, D.L. The Fuzzball. Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 88 Symposium (Palo Alto, CA, August 1988), 115-122.


Mills, D.L. Network Time Protocol (version 2) - specification and implementation. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-1119, University of Delaware, September 1989.


Mills, D.L. Measured performance of the Network Time Protocol in the Internet system. ACM Computer Communication Review 20, 1 (January 1990), 65-75.


Mills, D.L. Internet time synchronization: the Network Time Protocol. IEEE Trans. Communications 39, 10 (October 1991), 1482-1493.


Mills, D.L. On the chronology and metrology of computer network timescales and their application to the Network Time Protocol. ACM Computer Communications Review 21, 5 (October 1991), 8-17.


Mitra, D. Network synchronization: analysis of a hybrid of master-slave and mutual synchronization. IEEE Trans. Communications COM-28, 8 (August 1980), 1245-1259.


Data Encryption Standard. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46. National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1977.


Time and Frequency Dissemination Services. NBS Special Publication 432, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1979


DES Modes of Operation. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 81. National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, December 1980.


Postel, J. User Datagram Protocol. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-768, USC Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.


Postel, J. Daytime protocol. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-867, USC Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.


Postel, J. Time protocol. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-868, USC Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.


Rickert, N.W. Non Byzantine clock synchronization - a programming experiment. ACM Operating Systems Review 22, 1 (January 1988), 73-78.


Schneider, F.B. A paradigm for reliable clock synchronization. Department of Computer Science Technical Report TR 86-735, Cornell University, February 1986.


Smith, J. Modern Communications Circuits. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1986.


Srikanth, T.K., and S. Toueg. Optimal clock synchronization. J. ACM 34, 3 (July 1987), 626-645.


Steiner, J.G., C. Neuman, and J.I. Schiller. Kerberos: an authentication service for open network systems. Proc. Winter USENIX Conference (February 1988).


Su, Z. A specification of the Internet protocol (IP) timestamp option. DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-781. SRI International, May 1981.


Tripathi, S.K., and S.H. Chang. ETempo: a clock synchronization algorithm for hierarchical LANs - implementation and measurements. Systems Research Center Technical Report TR-86-48, University of Maryland, 1986.


Van Dierendonck, A.J., and W.C. Melton. Applications of time transfer using NAVSTAR GPS. In: Global Positioning System, Papers Published in Navigation, Vol. II, Institute of Navigation, Washington, DC, 1984.


Vass, E.R. OMEGA navigation system: present status and plans 1977-1980. Navigation 25, 1 (Spring 1978).


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